Changes To TLSU



Total number of students eligible to vote – 1232
Total number of votes cast – 64
Turnout – 5.2%
Votes for – 59 (92%)
Votes against – 5 (8%)
The changes to the Constitution are passed and enacted.

Summary of the Proposed Changes

In order for Trinity Laban Students’ Union to function more smoothly we are proposing the following transformational changes:

  • Reverting back to having one overall President of the Students’ Union. They will be supported by four Vice-Presidents and six Officers, as well as a technical manager and administrator.
  • All members of the SU team will be paid; this will be on a scale where the President is salaried, the four executive Vice-Presidents will receive £350 per term and the six non-executive Officers will receive £100 per term. All honorarium payments may be withheld for failure to engage.
  • There will be a non-elected part-time permanent administrator role created. This will be a staff member who will help the President to manage the everyday running of the SU.
  • The non-elected role of Technical Manager will be paid an honorarium of £350 a term and will be responsible for ensuring that all technical equipment is used and stored appropriately. They will assist with running all technical aspects of events.
  • All job roles have been updated accordingly; these can be found in Appendix I of the Constitution.
  • There is a clearer complaints system, so it’s easier to hold the SU to account.
  • The SU Executive Committee (made up of the President and the Vice Presidents) shall meet at least once a month to ensure the smooth running of the Students’ Union.
  • All details about setting up and running Clubs and Societies has been laid out in Appendix II of the Constitution.

TLSU Restructuring


Download and read the updated documentation and constitution below. You will be voting for these changes on Moodle.