TLSU closely works with both Registry and Student Services. We are able to signpost you to the right people from TL to speak to depending on the support you need.
Your time at TL should be an amazing experience. But that’s not to say it isn’t without the occasional struggle. So we are here to help and so are student services!
Student Services work tirelessly to ensure every student get’s the support and representation they need! Above are the main members of staff you should reach out to for a variety of needs.
Trinity Laban Counselling
Copied from Moodle:
Our Counselling service is an established, professional service providing support for your emotional, physical, psychological and social needs when necessary.
Our experienced and qualified team of counsellors can help you to explore what is happening in your life, offer help in finding solutions to problems, ways of coping or just a safe place to talk.
Counselling is confidential and free of charge, whether you are a part-time or full-time student.
Senior Counsellor: Sarah Hall
Location: Cottages 1 (Dance Faculty) and Rooms 219 and 220 (Music Faculty)
Telephone: 0208 305 3884
TL website: Counselling Service