List of Current Societies
TLSU has a number of student-led societies and clubs. Joining an activity group is one of the best ways to get involved in student life, meet new people, keep up with extracurricular activities and, of course, have a great time at TL!
Our societies are all have an elected committee, a constitution to guide how they are run, and sign an agreement every year to ensure their activities are accessible to all students.
We are not a large SU, but we are very supportive to ensure you can pursue your interests at Trinity Laban. Below is a list of societies we currently support and subsidise. If you don’t something you want to do but have an idea, please do get in touch! Our Events Officer manages all societies so feel free to reach out to ask questions!
Scroll all the way down to find out how to start your own!

Afro Latin Society
Society contacts: Irene.M20

Apollo Consort
The Apollo Consort Contemporary Music Society has been formed to promote the music of living composers and the performers who play it.
Society Contact: Kornelia.N20

Christian Union (CU)
Welcome to Trinity Laban! We’re here to give every student at TL the chance to hear and explore the message and good news of Jesus Christ! Regardless of your beliefs or background you are more than welcome to join us
Society Contact: Lydia.D21
Instagram: @trinitylabancu

Circus Society
The circus arts are a growing and in-demand field, but most people cannot afford to train in them due to a lack of government financing. I want to offer Trinity Laban students, both past and present, a sample of everything from stilts to poi, contortion, and acrobatics. To support their growth and pursue their interests at no cost, the students will participate in a variety of workshops led by myself and professionals from the profession today.
Society Contact: Shannon.H19

Feminist Society
The feminist society is a safe space to share your thoughts and opinions on everything and anything related to feminism!
Society Contact: Erin.W22.587
Instagram: @trinitylabanfemsoc

Groovin' Society
Society Contact: Francesco.P23.755
Instagram: @groovinsocietytlll

Open Mic Society
Society Contacts: Kira.O21 & Ellouise.D22.315
Instagram: @openmictlsu

Trinity Laban Folk Society
To bring together students and alumni of Trinity Laban to play, arrange and devise folk music from traditional to modern, and explore other folk mediums such as dance.
This group meets regularly to practise and perform in the Bar Downstairs.
Society contacts: Juliet.B21
Instagram: tlfolksoc

TL Football Team
The football team holds weekly training sessions and we play competitively in a league against other London conservatoires. We’re always looking for new dedicated players, so drop the contacts an email for more info!
Society Contacts: Pietro.I20 & Liam.R22.447
Instagram: @@trinitylaban_fc

TLRADIO Aims to bring together students and alumni of Trinity Laban to create a radio station which promotes Trinity Laban musicians, dancers and musical theatre
Society Contact: William.J22.381

Trinity Laban Tigers
Trinity Laban Runners (TLR) is a sporting club whose aims are to give students, alumni, and staff a welcoming and inclusive space to explore running in a social setting. Created with the idea of introducing more options for exercise within the TLSU Society, TLR provides an opportunity to partake in physical activity that is beginner friendly, highly accessible, and provides a more social element that may be harder to achieve with competitive team sports.
Society Contact: Conaire.K23.558

Trinity Laban Tigers
Trinity Laban Tigers is our college Netball Team! They practise regularly so please get in touch to find out more and get involved.
Society Contact: Olivia.S22.201
Instagram: @trinitylabantigers

Trinity Laban Timkeepers
We are The Trinity Laban Timekeepers, we are a football team created as part of the musical theatre faculty to take part in the DSL (Drama Schools League)
Society Contact:
Instagram: @trinitylaban_timekeepers
Want to Start a New Society?
We’re always interested in supporting and encouraging new societies. To find out more about how to start and society and the steps you need to take please head over to the STARTING A NEW SOCIETY page.