Nominations Information


Full Election Pack and Information →

Nomination Form →

TLSU Constitution →

Workshops Uploaded to YouTube

Election Workshop: What is the SU and why should I care?

Election Workshop: What are the jobs and how do I campaign?

The Positions

The President

  • President of TLSU (full-time & paid)

The President earns approx. £19,000 p/a as a salary, paid monthly.

Academic Team

  • Vice President of Dance
  • Vice President of Music
  • Musical Theater Officer
  • Postgraduate Dance Officer (NEW)
  • Postgraduate Music Officer (NEW)
  • Undergraduate Music Officer (NEW)
  • Undergraduate Dance Officer (NEW)

Student Experience Team

  • Vice President of Events
  • Vice President of Welfare
  • Disabled Students’ Officer
  • Diversity Officer
  • International Officer
  • LGBTQ+ Officer
  • Societies Officer (NEW)

Vice-President and Officer positions are voluntary, but there is the potential to be awarded an honorarium. The amount for VPs is up to £1,050 p/a & Officers up to £300 p/a.