The Candidates

In alphabetical order by surname. Click on each to read their manifesto.

Your Candidates for President

Name: Lydia Abbotts
Information: 3rd Year UG Musical Theatre
Click to view manifesto →

Name: Sarah Conway
Information: 3rd Year UG Musical Theatre
Click to view manifesto →

Name: Daisy Hingorani-Short
Information: 3rd Year UG Contemporary Dance
Click to view manifesto →

Name: Stephen Stanley
Information: PG Wind, Brass, Percussion
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Your Candidate for Vice President of Dance

Name: Adri Garcia Pinilla
Information: 2nd Year Contemporary Dance
Click to view manifesto →


Your Candidates for Vice President of Music

Name: Peter Fenech
Information: PG Strings
Click to view manifesto →

Name: George Lewis
Information: PG Wind, Brass, Percussion
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidate for Vice President of Welfare

Name: Ellie Daft
Information: 1st Year UG Strings
Click to view manifesto →


Your Candidates for Vice President of Events

Name: Niamh Carr
Information: 2nd Year UG Voice
Click to view manifesto →

Name: Donal MacAuley
Information: 2nd Year UG Musical Theatre
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidate for UG Dance Officer

Name: Anna Boehm
Information: 2nd Year UG Contemporary Dance
Click to view manifesto →


Your Candidate for PG Dance Officer

No candidates were received, the position will be unfilled.

Your Candidates for UG Music Officer

Name: Theo Karpinski
Information: 2nd Year UG Composition
Click to view manifesto →


Name: Benjamin Wakley
Information: 2nd Year UG Wind, Brass, Percussion
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidate for PG Music Officer

Name: Hannah Littlechild
Information: PG Strings
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidate for MT Officer

Name: Natasha Hall
Information: 2nd Year UG Musical Theatre
Click to view manifesto →


Your Candidate for Societies Officer

Name: Euan Holwill
Information: 2nd Year UG Wind, Brass, Percussion
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidates for Disabled Students Officer

Name: Clare Henley
Information: 1st Year UG Wind, Brass, Percussion
Click to view manifesto →

Instagram Profile: @claredelunee

Name: Fenella Lawrence
Information: 2nd Year UG Voice
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidate for Diversity Officer

Name: Congling Wu
Information: 1st Year UG Strings
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidates for International Officer

Name: Jared Michaud
Information: PG Voice
Click to view manifesto →

Your Candidate for LGBTQ+ Officer

Name: Callum Bruce
Information: 2nd Year UG Musical Theatre
Click to view manifesto →